
Sally Tarabih Denise Saint Arnault Mona Ahmed Elbilsha


Background:Mental disorders are a mental health condition with high diagnostic importance. These disorders manifest as changes in cognition, emotion and behaviour, and may be accompanied by painful experiences or dysfunction.Aim of the study: To assess prevalence of emotion dysregulation among an Egyptian sample of patients with mental disorders.Subjects and method: A descriptive cross sectional study design was utilized with a sample of 84 patients diagnosed with mental disorders whowere admittedto Inpatient Psychiatric Department of Mansoura University Hospital. Data was collected using twotools:socio-demographic characteristics and clinical data sheet and difficulties in emotion regulation scale - short form (DERS-SF).Results:This study revealed thatmore than half of the studied patients (53.6%) were in the age group of 30 to less than 45 years. Nearly two thirds of the studied patients (73.8 %) were male, and the majority of the studied patients were having diplomeor just read and write (42.9% & 31.0%) respectively. Also, more than half of the studied sample showed higher difficulties in emotion regulation.

Conclusion: This study illustrated that higher percentages of participants with mental disorders have higher difficulties in emotion regulation.Recommendation: It is recommended to establish a psycho-educational programs to be applied by nurses to help the patients to improve their emotion regulation, conduct the study in different mental hospitals to generalize the results and further study should be done on large sample size.


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