Can Uterine Scar Dehiscence Affect Hospital's Labor Management for Future Births after Cesarean Delivery? Two Years Experience of Lithuanian Tertiary Hospital
Objectives: To analyse cases of uterine scar dehiscence after previous cesarean delivery at Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių Klinikos over a two year period. To identify if uterine scar dehiscence have an effect on hospital's labor management for future births after cesarean delivery.
Methods: The retrospective case study of women with a single, cephalic, full-term pregnancy and a previous cesarean delivery who gave birth at Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių Klinikos over a two year period was done. Cases of uterine scar dehiscence were analysed in this group. The investigation of labor management in Robson group five after uterine scar dehiscence was done.
Results: We analysed eight labor cases after cesarean delivery which ended up with uterine scar dehiscence. There were no significant differences in Robson group five when the plan of labor management was prepared during the first week, the two first weeks or the first month after uterine scar dehiscence.
Conclusions: Uterine scar dehiscence is a rare complication and its incidence is 0.82 %. In our hospital uterine scar dehiscences did not significantly affect the hospital's labor care plan in Robson group five.