
Suzan T.M Kamilia R. A Suzan E. M Mohammad A. E


The present study aimed to evaluate post-menopausal symptoms, its effect on females quality of life. Setting: The study was conducted at the Gynecological outpatient clinics of Mansoura University Hospitals. Study Design: A descriptive study design was carried. Sample: 143 postmenopausal females excluded pilot study =130. Type of sample: a convenient sample was used Tools: Three tools were used for data collection: 1st tool was the interviewing questionnaire schedule, 2nd tool was the menopause rating scale (MRS), and 3rd tool Utian (2002) Quality of Life scale. Results: the study results showed that more than two third of postmenopausal females were aged > 50 ys, it was also observed that59.2% of post-menopausal females had moderate somatic, psychological and urogenital symptoms. It showed that 57.7 % among them complaining of sever joint and muscular discomfort, 55.4% were complaining of moderate anxiety and 46.2% complaining of sever dryness of vagina, mild bladder problems. The results showed that 60.0% among post-menopausal females had average quality of life, There was statistically significant association between quality of life and mean score of menopause rating scale P= (0.002). That the mean score of menopause rating scale was significantly increased with worsening the state of quality of life.  Conclusion: it was evident from the study results that, more than half of postmenopausal females had moderate somatic, psychological and urogenital symptoms. There was statistically significant relation between menopause rating scale and quality of life.  Recommendations: provide in services education program for nurses working in postmenopausal unite females to overcome postmenopausal problems.


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