The Development and Evaluation of a Nursing One-Minute Preceptor Program in Taiwan
The One-Minute Preceptor is a tool that is relatively easy to learn and apply in the clinical setting by medical doctors, , but little is known about the effects on clinical nursing preceptors. Study Aim was to develop and evaluate the effects of a One-Minute Preceptor program on the clinical nursing preceptors in Taiwan. Method: quasi-experimental design with a purposive sample, including two categories of study subjects-nurse preceptors, and their preceptees the new nurses. Sixty participants were reandomly assigned into the experimental and control groups with 35 and 25 subjects. Tool:  Objective Structured Teaching Exercise(OSTE) rating score, and subjective structured questionnaires of novice nurse’s self-evaluation to assess the benefit of the preceptor’s teaching. Results: the average OSTE scores of experimental group on two assessments were higher than those in the control group (p < .001 ; p < .001). The OMP program in this study could enhance the teaching competency of the nursing preceptors. The novice nurses in the experimental group felt more benefited from the preceptors, who had received intervention at  test two, than those in the control group. The study result showed an objectively structured nursing OMP Program can effectively improve their teaching ability and enhance their subjectively evaluated benefit level for new nurses.