Developments in the fight against cancer Cachexia
Cachexia is a wasting syndrome in which both fat and muscle are lost due to the presence of tumor or inflammation. It implies a state of profound nutritional deficiency. This word is derived from the Greek words kakos meaning bad, and hexis meaning condition. This term is most often used to describe patients with chronic or end stage diseases such as cancer, AIDS, or cystic fibrosis. Affected patients lose weight and appetite and as a result become weak and fatigued. Drastic losses of body mass may lead to alterations in metabolic functions such as electrolyte balance. Electrolyte imbalances reduce strength, increase fatigue and weakness, and can cause numbness, tingling, involuntary twitching, and even pain. Severely malnourished individuals have difficulties performing even basic tasks such as bathing and grooming. In severe cases, starvation can result in death. Death is most likely a result of severe electrolyte imbalances that lead to arrhythmias. Death has also been reported due to weakened respiratory muscles leading to pneumonias that spread to the blood stream and result in fatal infection. Unfortunately, in cancer, Cachexia is present all too often.
Cachexia is really one of the most devastating symptoms of cancer – up to 75% of cancer patients suffer from this condition. It robs patients of their energy, quality of life, enjoyment, and ultimately sense of independence. Most patients afflicted with cancer Cachexia are those with cancers of the upper gastrointestinal tract. These include cancers of the esophagus, stomach, and pancreas. One study noted that 85% of all patients with pancreatic cancer develop Cachexia and loose a median of 14.2% of their pre-cancer weight just by the time of diagnosis. Average survival for patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is only nine to twelve months.
Cachexia is also seen frequently in lung cancer but is rare in patients with breast cancer, for example. Specifically, cancer related Cachexia does not usually occur in early stage cancer. It is seen almost exclusively with advanced and metastatic disease.