
Varalakshmi Manchana


Abstract:Asthma is the most chronic respiratory disorder affecting all age groups. As the disease and its effective management continue to be public health challenge, it has been the focus of clinical and public health interventions. Some of the most common reasons for the uncontrolled asthma are non adherence to treatment, poor knowledge and skills in disease management (GINA guidelines, 2005).Aim: The study aimed to evaluate the asthma knowledge among patients with Bronchial asthma. Methods: Study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured asthma educational program on self care management of Bronchial asthma. Design: Experimental Pre test-post test control group design was chosen. From the patients with confirmed diagnosis of asthma, sample were selected to experimental (n=100) and control (n=50) groups. The Pre-test means between experimental (19.9) and control (18.82) groups were not much significant. There is a significant improvement within the pre test (mean 19.930; S.D 8.84)) and Post test scores in the experimental group (mean 42.31/S.D 3.449). The post test means between experimental (42.31) and control groups (21.28) supports the significant enhancement in the knowledge of the experimental group after asthma education. Conclusion: Asthma education is an important means to equip patients with knowledge and skills required to manage the condition effectively. Adequate knowledge may further motivate patients towards behavior modification and long term management.

Key Words: Bronchial asthma, Effectiveness, Asthma Knowledge, Patient education, Asthma Educational program


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