Reflexive Account On The Concept Analysis Of Patient Confidentiality
Having a personal experience as individuals is not as essential as what we infer from such experiences. It is important for our personal and professional development. The importance of experiences gathered in our daily responsibilities as nurses cannot be undermined as we develop skills and professional expertise when we reflect on our past experiences. Reflection in nursing is an active and detailed thought process which aims at careful deliberation on any belief or form of knowledge on a particular occurrence, experience or action. The ultimate goal of reflection is knowledge generation and accomplishment of desirable level of practice through a process of self-study and complete change, having learnt from lived experiences. This reflexive account reflects on the concept analysis of patient confidentiality by employing the Rolfe’s framework of reflection, being a more current model on critical reflection in practice compared to others thereby giving a clearer insight and enhancing better understanding of the stages involved in undertaking a critical reflection.
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